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    lient was arrested and charged with third offense domestic assault, a felony. If client is convicted, client faces a mandatory minimum one year in prison and a maximum of ten years in prison, mandatory domestic violence counseling, and a no contact order. Police respond to complaining witness’ home after being called by a neighbor. When the police get there, they speak to complaining witness and client separately. Complaining witness tells police that he was awoken by client screaming in his face. After being awoken, complaining witness says that the argument quickly escalated into a fist fight which caused injuries to complaining witness’ face and hands. Police observe visible injuries on complaining witness as well as on client. When police speak to client, client tells them that complaining witness struck client first and client only defended himself. Police arrest client and charge him with the felony. RI domestic violence lawyer Tom Thomasian get client’s case DISMISSED.


    Client gets arrested and charged with DUI (driving under the influence), a misdemeanor. If client is convicted, client will lose her license for at least three months, have to perform at least ten hours of community service, and have to pay at least a $100.00 fine. Police respond to where client’s car introduced itself to a nearby telephone pole. Police start talking to client about the accident and while speaking with her, they notice the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from client’s mouth and moderately bloodshot eyes. Police ask client to submit to field sobriety tests which she agrees. After performing the tests, the police inform client she has failed and transport her to the police station. Once they get to the police station, police ask client to take a breathalyzer test and she refuses. RI DUI lawyer Tom Thomasian gets client’s case DISMISSED.


    Client gets arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, morphine. If client is convicted, client faces up to three years in prison. Police claim to witness client driving through a stop sign. Based on their observation, police pull client over. Once police checked client’s license and registration, police discovered that client had a suspended license. Police ask client to step out of the vehicle. Once client exits the car, police handcuff client and place client in the back of their cruiser. Once in custody, client asks police if they can let client use her cell phone. Police agree and go to retrieve the phone from client’s bag. Once they open the bag, they are able to observe, in plain view, a pill bottle containing different pills. The pills were later tested and found to have been morphine. RI drug possession lawyer gets client’s case DISMISSED.

  • Expungement ASSAULT

    Client gets arrested and charged with domestic assault, a misdemeanor. In Rhode Island, misdemeanor domestic assault is punishable by up to one year in prison, domestic violence counseling, and a no contact order. Client’s domestic assault charge is dismissed, making him eligible for immediate expungement. RI misdemeanor expungement lawyer Tom Thomasian petitions the RI district court to expunge client’s record and the EXPUNGEMENT motion is granted.

    Client gets arrested and charged with breaking and entering (B&E), a felony. If client is convicted, client faces up to ten years in prison, heavy fines, a no contact order with the property owner, and restitution for any damage caused by the breaking and entering (B&E). Homeowner calls police to advise them that when he returned home, his backdoor had been kicked in. When the police arrive, they enter the home and search for any missing items. While they are searching, the homeowner explains what items he believes have been taken. Inside the apartment, the police locate a fingerprint on an interior glass door. The fingerprint comes back to client. RI breaking and entering (B&E) defense lawyer Tom Thomasian gets client an AMENDMENT to a misdemeanor with no jail time, fines, or restitution.
    Client gets arrested and charged with breaking and entering (B&E), a felony. If convicted, client faces up to ten years in jail, heavy fines, a no contact order with the property owner, and restitution for any damage caused due to the breaking and entering (B&E). The police are called when two neighbors see a car they don’t recognize pull into another neighbor’s home. They write down the license plate number to give to the police. When the police speak to the witnesses, they confirm that both witnesses saw client enter the garage and the home. The witnesses provide a description of client as the perpetrator. Police run the license plate number and the registration comes back to client. RI breaking and entering (B&E) defense lawyer Tom Thomasian gets client an AMENDMENT to a misdemeanor with no jail time, fines, or restitution.

    Client gets arrested and charged with first degree child molestation, a capital felony. If client is convicted, clients faces up to life in prison, mandatory sex offender counseling, and lifetime registration with community notification. Police receive a phone call from the complaining witness’ mother regarding a disclosure made by the complaining witness. Based on this phone call, police meet with the complaining witness who tells them that client brought her back to client’s house where they drank alcohol. After they were done drinking, complaining witness tells police that client brought her into his bedroom and forced himself on her. RI sex crimes defense lawyer Tom Thomasian gets client an AMENDMENT to a non-sex crime which means client does not have to register, notify the community, or engage in sex offender counseling.


    Client gets arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. If client is convicted, client faces up to six months in jail. Police receive a call from a motorist claiming they see someone pointing a gun from the passenger side of a car at oncoming traffic. When police pull out of the station, they see a car matching the caller’s description. Further, they see the passenger of the car sticking what appears to be a gun out of the window. Police pull the car over and speak to client and passenger. After speaking with client and passenger, police realize the gun is a BB gun. Police remove both occupants from the car and escort them to the back of client’s car. After a short conversation, police arrest client for disorderly conduct. RI criminal defense lawyer Tom Thomasian gets client’s case DISMISSED.


    Client gets arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, both misdemeanors. If client is convicted, client faces up to one year in prison. Police respond to Dunkin Donuts after an employee calls and states that three men are pushing and shoving each other inside. When police arrive, they see two of the three men pushing each other. Police go inside and speak to the three men. Client engages in an argument with police so police grab him by the arm to escort him outside. Once client is grabbed, he began flailing his arms and resisting the officer’s attempts to place him in handcuffs. Police then force client to the ground and client continues to fight with police. RI misdemeanor criminal defense lawyer Tom Thomasian gets case DISMISSED.

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